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Finding Solutions to 4 Problems L&D Can Solve: Engagement, Content, Compliance, and Onboarding

February 13, 2020 @ 2:00 pm3:00 pm EST


Improving employee learning and development is the most important issue (86%) in human resources today according to the 2019 Global Human Capital Trends Report from Deloitte. However, while L&D is the area of greatest concern due to the changing nature of work, only 10% of respondents said their organizations are “very ready” to address it. Why is there such a gaping disparity between importance and readiness when it comes to employee development?

The problem is that work doesn’t stop to make time for transformation. Even the best-laid talent development plans get regularly sidetracked by day-to-day business realities. If an L&D team hopes to be a meaningful part of the future of work within their organization, they must address the challenges that constantly inhibit their practices. Before L&D can transform, they must find new ways to solve familiar problems, including engagement, content, compliance and onboarding.

This webinar will provide practical insights on:

Inspiring employees to engage in continuous learning
Making better content development decisions
Tackling compliance beyond just checking boxes
Fixing your onboarding strategy once and for all


February 13, 2020
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST
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