What About the Baby Boomers?


I came across this article recently and it got me thinking about ageism in the workplace. So often our conversations revolve around how to engage Generation Y, but how often do we talk about keeping baby boomers engaged? How much of an effort do we make to ensure that they still feel invested in their work? To me, this is even more difficult than engaging Gen Y. Gen Y workers have the eagerness of inexperience, while baby boomers have the doldrums of experience.!@!

I imagine it’s similar to the way I felt during senior year of high school when I came down with “senioritis.” By the last quarter of high school, my rank was determined and I was already accepted into college. Those last nine weeks were worthless, as my performance at that late stage would neither improve nor hinder my post-high school prospects. So what was the point in remaining a dedicated student?

I’ve got to believe baby boomers are feeling the same way. And it only makes matters worse that all of our discussions are about what we can do to engage Gen Y. Maybe we should take some time to think about what type of learning will re-engage baby boomers. If we can engage them now before they retire, we might be able to entice them to stay on board in some capacity.